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Phrases Containing "Essay"

When you embark on the journey of exploring the word "essay," it becomes evident that this noun is laden with depth and meaning. An essay, according to what does essay mean to you?, is an attempt or effort made towards achieving something. But there's more to it. The word "essay" implies difficulty but also suggests a tentative approach to a subject. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deeper into the nuances of "essay" and its related terms, offering you insights that might just change the way you view this common word.

On "Essay"

The word "essay" is primarily recognized as a noun in most dictionaries, including Merriam-Webster. When we refer to an essay, we often mean a short piece of writing on a particular subject. However, "essay" as a verb implies an attempt or endeavor. For instance, one might "essay" a new task or challenge, meaning they are giving it a try or making an effort. Its connection with effort is paramount. "Essay" implies difficulty but also suggests a tentative approach, a testing or proving of something. If you've ever endeavored to write a college essay, you know the great effort it entails, both in terms of exertion and mental strain.

Effort or Experiment Made in the Hope

"Essay" comes close to "attempt" but may stress the experiment made in the hope of testing or proving something. For instance, a scientist may essay a new method in their research, implying both the effort put into the process and the uncertainty surrounding its outcome. This word heightens the implications of challenge and uncertainty. When we use "essay" in this context, it underscores the initiation or beginning of an action, often with the hope but no guarantee of success.

Dictionary Entries Near "Essay"

In dictionaries like Merriam-Webster, words are often grouped with similar or related terms. Near the entry for "essay," you might find words such as "endeavor," "strive," and "attempt." Each of these words, like "essay," suggests effort and exertion. For instance, to "strive" is to make great efforts to achieve or obtain something, while "endeavor" emphasizes conscientious or continuous effort or exertion. All these words convey the sentiment of pushing oneself to achieve a goal or overcome difficulty.

Stress Effort or Experiment Made

The beauty of the word "essay" is in its versatility. Whether you are referring to a written college essay or the act of trying something new, "essay" encapsulates the essence of effort and experimentation. The word is often used in academic and formal settings, but its roots are deeply intertwined with the concepts of striving, trying, and embarking on a journey, regardless of the outcome.

Dos and Don'ts

When using "essay" in your writings or speech, do ensure you are emphasizing the right aspect of the word. Do use it to denote both effort and a tentative approach. Don't restrict its usage to just academic papers; remember its broader implications. Don't confuse "essay" with casual attempts; the word often implies a significant or dedicated effort.


1. Is "essay" only used in academic settings?
No, while "essay" is often associated with academic writings, it also denotes an effort or an attempt at something, suggesting both difficulty and experimentation.
2. How does "essay" differ from "attempt"?
"Essay" is close to "attempt" but may stress the experiment made in the hope of testing or proving something. It's a more nuanced term.
3. Can "essay" be used as a verb?
Yes, "essay" as a verb means to try or attempt something.

Final Thoughts

Exploring the word "essay" offers a fascinating insight into language and meaning. From academic papers to the act of trying, "essay" beautifully captures the human spirit of effort, endeavor, and exploration. As you go about your day, remember the depth that simple words like "essay" can carry, reminding us of the profound ways language shapes our experiences and understanding.

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